Welcome to the Richler/Rapoport Family Home Page.

My name is Shmaryahu (Stuart) Richler. I live in Montreal and have been working on the Richler family tree for the last few years. My Father has done all the research on the Richler/Hirsch side of the family and I have done the work on the Rapoport/Braverman (my wife) side of the family.

There are other Richler family members working on the tree. My cousin Neil Richler has a Web site where you can get more information on the branches he is researching.

The Richler family settled in Montreal in 1901. An interesting story is told about my paternal grandfather and how he came to settle in Montreal. It seems that when he was in transit from Poland he met another gentleman. Sensing that this person was upset and upon asking he told my grandfather that he had a ticket to Montreal, but had no relatives there. He did have relatives in New York. My grandfather told him that he had a ticket to New York but he had neither relatives in New York nor Montreal whereupon they exchanged tickets. The rest, as they say, is history.

My family tree contains not only Richlers but the pedigree of a number of other families. These include the Hirsch family of New York, my mothers family; the Rapoport family of New York, my wife's fathers family; and the Braverman family of New York, my wife's mothers family. Click on the My Family link on the left to navigate through my immediate family.

Of course there are other families that are included in the tree. The families I am researching now include Edel, Lerner, Rapoport, and Horowitz. If you have any information on any of these names I would appreciate an e-mail. Maybe we are related!!

We also maintain a Richler and Rapoprt family mailing list. To subscribe send me an e-mail.

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Web page last updated November 02, 2007
Tree pages created using Gene Stark's GED2HTML.